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Dr.  John R.  Woodward
Queen Mary University of London,  UK

Title: Automatically building better algorithms


Typically we design algorithms and implement them by hand. We will look at how we can build better algorithm automatically. This is done by taking an existing human design algorithm and supplementing parts of it with algorithm built using machine learning techniques. This approach removes the inbuilt human bias, and replaces it with a more appropriate biased towards the problem at hand. Briefly will using machine learning techniques to build better programmes. We will look at the number of it applications including optimisation and software engineering.


John R. Woodward received the B.Sc. degree in theoretical physics, M.Sc. degree in cognitive science, and Ph.D. degree in computer science, all from the University of Birmingham, U.K. He is currently with School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London U.K, where he is the head of the Operational Research Group. Previously he was with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland, where he conducted research into particle physics, the Royal Air Force as an Environmental Noise Scientist, and Electronic Data Systems as a Systems Engineer.
Research Area: Automatically Building Better Algorithms
Research group http://or.qmul.ac.uk/
EPSRC grants https://gow.epsrc.ukri.org/NGBOViewPerson.aspx?PersonId=-485755
Google scholar https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=iZIjJ80AAAAJ&hl=en
The conversation https://theconversation.com/profiles/john-r-woodward-173210
GP bibliography http://gpbib.cs.ucl.ac.uk/gp-html/index.html

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